Friday, April 27, 2007


So we had our third ultrasound. We booked the 4D one. I must say I was a little disappointed. I fully expected to see my baby exactly the way he is supposed to look. He was not in the mood to cooperate and most of the shots were of his feet or hands. My thoughts at the time were that baby is trying to be funny.

We did mange to see the side of his face but it was not very clear and I was thinking gee I wonder who he looks like as I don't see any resemblance to me or my husband at this point. Well maybe I just had really high expectations. I kind of expected him to you know turn strike a pose and maybe give a wave.

The examiner was not the most friendly of ladies and made the whole process awkward. Neither one of us said anything, this is not what I pictured as we were so looking forward to the 4D ultrasound. We were hoping to get a CD but the clinic doesn't do that. So we just looked on in silence while the monotone lady expressed this is baby's spine, foot, head.... At least the pictures were in 4D and they are still pretty amazing...

Also since I like to self diagnosis myself I have decided that baby is breech at this point, his feet are down and his head is up. I am not to concerned about it right now as he can still turn. Keep in mind this is purely a self diagnosis, I will give further details when I actually go to the doctor next week and get my real results.

Oh well at the end of the day all that matters is that baby has two legs and arms and the proper amount of toes and fingers. He is doing well and weighs about 3.5 pounds. Funny how baby weighs that much but I have gained 20lbs!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Yet Another Blood Test

Really.. I have to get another blood test?? This is just getting silly now.. I have had 4 blood tests in less then 6 months. Good thing I am pregnant and have more than enough to give.

The latest test is for Life Insurance. John and I decided that instead of getting the typical mortgage insurance we were going to be smart and get life insurance instead. It pretty much costs the same but you get better coverage and more cash.

So anyway some random lady from Clairica is going to show up at my house (well my parents house) and go through my health history and then draw some more blood. Soon I will be a pro at this and just start taking my own blood tests. Or maybe I could do this for a living! Yeah that was pretty funny. I still think it is pretty gross.

I have already started thinking about my plan of action .. I need to figure outwhere I am going to lie down, which direction I should face and hopefully I won't scare this poor women and start crying. But I can always blame hormones!

Gee sometimes it sucks being responsible!! I don't want to give any more blood.... Can't they just take my word for it..

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Car Shopping

Gee what a way to spend a few weekends. Running around to car lot after car lot to try and find a vehicle that I am not sure I even want. I know the Jeep needs to go but am I happy about this? Honestly no. I love my Jeep. I have no idea what kind of vehicle I want I have always wanted a Jeep and that was that.

Then there is the cost. We just had to purchase a car for John as his was starting to cost more in repairs then it was worth. So we already have a nice car payment. Realistically buying another car right now is not the best timing but I guess I can not be at home with baby and a car that is pretty much useless to us.

I think the stressful part of the whole thing is going on mat leave and making like pennies a day and having to pay for all of this stuff. Never mind groceries and diapers..

My first experience at the whole car wheeling and dealing ending up with me crying in the sales guys office. I guess that is one way to get out of a deal. But I was really being pressured into a vehicle that I did not love, felt was too expensive and to me the worst was it was heavily smoked in and it was all I could smell.

Well I guess the right vehicle is out there I just have to find it!

So after looking and looking we finally bought me a nice 2005 Jeep Liberty. I must say I love my new car. While it was a sad day handing in my keys to the TJ I am super excited to have a vehicle that has power windows,locks and heat. WOW what a treat.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tis The Season

So the wedding season is fast approaching. It seems that every year I am involved in some sort of shower and or wedding. Last year I think was a record where every weekend in the spring and summer was filled with a baby or bridal event. All of my friends have hit the magic age where we are experiencing huge life changing events.

It always amazes me how much planning and organizing can go into one day. I was one of the smart ones that escaped to Florida and had a beautiful bed and breakfast plan the entire day for me. The only thing we had to worry about was going down a few weeks earlier and obtaining a licence. Most stress free experience of my life!

Most recent my friend for at least 20 years is now getting married so the endless parade of events begins. Don't get me wrong I love participating in events where I get to see my friends get married and would pretty much do whatever I can to attend or help out. For example we drove 13 hours across Saskatchewan and sat at a table with just me and my husband as we knew nobody except the bride.

The one thing I love about weddings is talking about all of the goofy things brides do - like wearing your veil around the house as soon as you get it. It doesn't matter if you are in sweat pants and vacuuming you could never look or feel better then that!

We just had my friends stag on the weekend - wow do the ladies know how to party. We had a wonderful time and I love seeing my friends have fun, seeing that I could not partake in the drinking festivities!!

My only piece of advice for brides to be is to remember what the day is really about. It is not about flowers and centrepieces so when the little things go wrong you just need to think of why you are really there.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ohh The Scary Blood Test

So I went last week to have my ever scary and hopefully last blood test. This one was my best performance so far. Not a tear was shed and I was calm and collected. A pleasant surprise for the staff members that have to deal with me on a regular basis.

The first test (being my first blood test ever) begins with me sitting in the waiting room sobbing, crying while waiting until I hear the dreaded call of my name. I tell the nurse that I need a bed to lie down in as there is no way I am sitting in one of those creepy chairs hanging my arm out for needles to be stuck in.. To me it looks sort of like an electric chair with its special arm rest... No way am I getting in that contraption!! So after I get an eye roll or two from the collector I lie down pull up the arm on my special "needle shirt" (this is the one sweat shirt I own that I know the arms are not to tight and I can roll them up) place the Walkman in my ears as I do not want to hear nothing and place my free arm over my eyes as I do not want to see anything either. Seems like a lot of work for one simple test that really takes 30 seconds out of my life!! Oh well the test begins and keep in mind I am still crying. Okay I am thinking this is not so bad it hurts a little but really birth is probably going to be a lot worse so I begin to calm down.. Its over the collector leaves me alone and I think okay that was a little embarrassing for a 31 year old!! But great it is over and I get to leave hoping to never come back again..

Guess I am not so lucky I have had to get 4 blood tests for this pregnancy - most people only get two but I seem to have a doctor that likes to order random tests for something fun to do!!

Test 2 went a bit better I cried but for the most part only while driving to the clinic and I did manage to calm myself down before I walked into the clinic, then during the test I started to cry again.. This time the collector was a sweet little English lady who just chalked up my crying to hormones. Little did she know I am an irrational person when it comes to getting a needle of any sort!!

Test 3 goes okay I am mad at this point as I have no idea why another test is being ordered and nobody can tell me why either. So I go into the room lie down start the preparation procedures and then my eyes start to well with the inevitable tears.. But hey I think to myself I getting better at this if I can do this I can do anything..

Test 4 best yet - This is the glucose test where you get to go to the clinic and drink some sugar, which is a great thing as right now I crave sugar in any form, and sit for an hour then get the test. You can not leave the clinic for this hour you just sit in a back room and wait. Smart me I brought a book so I sat in this room and read. It was nice and relaxing, then I hear my name.... YIKES it is time. So the ritual begins, I prepare for the inevitable, Okay so this one hurts a little more then the others, I am thinking the arm band might be to tight, but soon enough it is over.. I am free... And not a tear, not a single one and this truly is a great moment for me..

Hopefully that is the last one for this pregnancy. I think I am good and needled out..

Monday, April 9, 2007

Let the Nesting Begin

It is true - Expecting mothers want to nest. Who knew?? I have been madly and well honestly sometimes irrationally wanting to buy things that I may or may not need.

I have no idea what I need or where to start. Who knew babies needed all this stuff... Thankfully the wonderful ladies at KaczKids gave me some kind of checklist or I would probably still be standing there gazing at the vast amounts of things one tiny little baby may need.

I get the basics of crib, car seat and stroller but there are clothes, socks, bottles, diapers, diaper genies, swings, carriers, then there is what size, how many, this can be very overwhelming. Especially for a non-maternal one like me!!

I feel a lot of this stems from my house not being ready and at this point we are not even sure of a tentative date. It is hard when you finally buy the crib and accessories but have to put it into storage instead of setting it up in a nice nursery where you have planned and decorated.

Oh well I am sure I will figure it out - Our next major purchase will be to get me another car... I guess the Jeep just won't do there is no room for a stroller.